Hey Susie and all my cyber sibs...
Sorry to hear of the storms. My brother lives in Houston. He said Texas is getting the storms and sending them East to us. (gee, thanks) We are SO VERY grateful that no tornadoes (yet) have decimated our state of MS. We've had flash floods and pouring rains with high winds last night.
Susie, I know what you mean about clean up of limbs and such. I'm such so very thankful that this round can be done by young boys. Damage was so severe 3 years ago (and AGAIN in 2013), it required MEN with MACHINES. The wrath of storms is a frightening thing that lets us know we are not in control.
It doesn't seem possible that Katrina was almost 10 years ago. It took down 22 massive pine trees on our property, with 3 barely missing our house. The wind did get our roof (partially). Goodness gracious, we had friends on the Gulf Coast that lost everything, including their horses. We all know that countless lives were lost throughout the entire region.
That went DARK...sorry.
Yes, we have many HW family members suffering in various ways. My heart goes out to every one of you, whether you are in physical pain or heartsick, sad and lonely. I'm concerned about several who were regularly active members posting. Has anyone heard from Daesin? BTL? Sister Pam? Markh? If y'all pass through, PLEASE let us know how you're doing, okay? That's off the top of my head, because I've been MIA throughout my Fentanyl patch trial. I just don't see their posts, so I'm concerned.
We have several new HW family members---YAY! There are conversations of flower beds, fountains, birds, tadpoles and bobcats...Oh, my! It's good for the soul to share the things that might lift another's spirit. I love the stories of kids and grandkids...life blood. I'm Southern to the bone, so I like to visit and talk with folks who are like-minded. It's good to imagine us all finding ways to make our daily life less painful. I'm still looking for a better life through chemistry, though I'd rather discuss ROCKS, for the little success I've had.
Y'all have a good week...Endure the rainy days, but enjoy the sunshine amongst the clouds of CP. We only have FORWARD.
Post Edited (Dixie6) : 4/20/2015 1:54:49 PM (GMT-6)