Roccky...Sorry, I lost my darn post. I'm having some issues with my server. I'll try again if you're certain you want to know.
Right now I'm happy (yes, happy) to report that senna softener and Perdiem are producing movement every 2 to 3 days. The Fentanyl seems to have cleared my system, allowing my colon to awaken.
Please understand...I don't blame opiate trials for ALL of my constipation issues. NO...there are many long-standing complications there, without the introduction of opiates.
My GI/Proctologist has explained that I have a flecture in my left quadrant. They described it to be much like a crimp in a garden hose. I have to use methods to soften stool/absorb liquids in order to maintain any level of motility. I must rotate meds regularly because my GI tract "adapts" and gets resistant.
I will try to list several that I rotate with. They are Kondremul (a milky liquid), Milk of Magnesia, Mineral Oil (all of which are vomit-worthy). I also rotate from PeriColace/Colace (back to the presciption days). I've tried regimens of Miralax, Benefiber and Metamucil. Mine is not an issue of fiber intake, so the Miralax is the more successful.
I have MANY methods in my arsenal, as daily dosage is required. Upon enrolling in PM, I found that NOTHING seemed to move my bowels. I tried something new for me...Casada Segrada from GNC...sadly, no. I've suffered up to 11 days, bloated and distended in much so, intake was impossible. The hospital grade enema (repeatedly) was my last resort. That apparatus is a necessary part of my repertoire. The drug store bottle enemas, glyceryn ampules etc. are no good for me. Motility is essential through keeping the stool somehow "lubricated" so that it can move, rather than form hard dry obstructions.
My situation as been borderline impossible and life-threatening at times. My PM doctor does not comprehend ANY of this. Yea, I know. I NEED comprehensive treatment.
Okay, enough about poop...Let's talk PARTY TIME at the water park with Nathan!?! I hope you had a most wonderful trip together. I know y'all made memories that will make you giggle for years to come. That's food for the SOUL...Good stuff, doll baby.