Posted 9/18/2015 10:47 PM (GMT -5)
I've been on Gaba for 14 years on and off, for the last two I have been maxed a 2400mg per day but for a couple of months I was taking 7200mg/day. . .you read correctly. It was a knee jerk reaction I made to needing it all of a sudden and not remembering how much I took. . .one day I walked outside and BAMI, massive chord pain. I went in an took a three 800s of old stock and stayed on it until I got an appointment.
To my understanding these drugs are neurotransmitter inhibitors and their effect is asymptotic. That means, once they inhibit, say 90% of the neurotransmitters, adding more medicine, at best, can only give you another 10% improvement. Again, to my understanding, this is the reason I dont think it is possible to OD on them. So more and more just cant do anything else, but a sudden reduction in dosage could cause seizures. I switched to Lyrica and kept increasing the dose under doctors guidance until my short-term memory became so bad I was repeating things I just said. It freaked my friends out so bad that they compelled me to switch back. Lyrica didn't help as well as the Gaba and the price differential was unbelievable. . .but I am glad you are seeing benefit.
I would not live without gaba, but I sure wish it did more. Keep trying new stuff and do what you can to stay in tolerable pain. So far, hypnosis and EMDR have given me relief on par with Fentanyl. I call them jedi mind tricks, but they are cheap, go into effect immediately, and dont have drug side effects.
I wish you the best, hope this is of some value to you.