Posted 2/18/2016 7:04 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Thoreau,
Others here have sometimes taken my well intended advice for personal attacks. I have no ill will, only encouragement for all here who struggle with chronic pain while also attempting to succeed professionally.
I would not normally make this observation but I think you are above the fray of petty defensive reactions. I believe you to be sincere and sensitive toward others in your position and are indeed seeking useful CP direction.
Here it is: Learn to work smarter not harder. Use your brain more, body less. Think before you commit anything to writing. Make your word choices accurate, effective and powerful. I can see a leader in you. You acquire credibility to then earn respect.
With your username, Thoreau, why have you titled this thread Relating With, rather than Relating To? Scrutinize the effect of your words. I can guarantee your authority in your position will rise as your use of the English language becomes more effective.
Be honest with yourself, share conservative selective honesty with others. You are not required to attend or participate in small talk. This can sap your energy. Its OK to be abrupt as long as you're respectful. You can be ultra scrutinizing about where, when & why you expend your valuable energy. Be flexible in your own favor. Manage your pace according to what your pain requires at that moment.
Your balancing act can best be managed as you learn to communicate effectively. Use your head.
Again, not a personal attack but constructive criticism. I wish you well in your new business endeavor. Hope this helps.