Posted 12/12/2017 8:05 PM (GMT -5)
Dar, sorry the appt did not go well. Do you have a return visit scheduled? If not try to get one scheduled & read below some suggestions for the next appt: Matter of fact this should be done with any dr that see's you.
Make a list of your symptoms
A list of any medications you currently take
Make a list of questions for the dr
If possible take a friend or family member with you to help listen to what the dr says
If you have had testing, such as your CT Scan & MRI, take a copy of the written reports for the dr, you cannot rely on the drs office to furnish this.
No, drs do not call & talk to the dr they refer patients to, very, very rare this day. A member of the drs staff made the referral call for the dr. I am sure whoever this person talked to said "what are we seeing this patient for". More than likely this person saw headaches & this is why the dr said, I see you have headaches.
Once the dr has evaluated you, don't be shy, ask the dr why is this happening & what do you think is wrong with me. And ask the dr what the plan is for treatment. When medications are recommended ask the dr what the medication is for & what is it suppose to do.
Patients have to go in prepared today. Never rely on another dr doing any of the above, its all up to the patient. If you will go to appts prepared you will get much more out of the visit.
Take care.