The reasons Karen gave are exactly why I also cautioned you about
having a regular chiropractor adjust your neck (though she did a much better job explaining it than I). My mom, who is also a PT, has also treated more than one patient who ended up partially or completely paralyzed (as quads) from chiropractic adjustments of the neck. And having shared that knowledge with me, that is also the reason why I will not let a regular chiro work on my neck.
I don't know if Karen has any knowledge or opinion about
axial orthogonal chiropractic, as there are not too many of them around (at least not in the part of the country that I live), however, the technique they use is much more safe and gentle, and is highly effective. These chiropractors are specially trained and certified, and ONLY work on the neck, regardless of your primary problem, as they believe that everything is connected to the neck, & that restoring proper CSF and blood flow to the spinal cord and brain is crucial for the body to function and heal properly. The AO technique involves adjusting your atlas (the C1 vertebra) using a device that delivers a small amount of percussion to a specific spot on the vertebrae. All it feels like is a light tap, and I honestly never would have believed that it could make such a profound difference in a person's neck alignment if I hadn't seen my before and after xrays with my own eyes.
I've been seeing an AO chiropractor on and off for my neck for a couple years now, and my 91 yr old grandmother has been going regularly for at least 15 years, if not significantly longer. Knowing what I know, AO chiros are definitely the ONLY chiropractors who I will allow to touch my neck (the difference in the gentleness of the technique is so profound, that regular chiros now even make me nervous just working on my back). So if you are still going to consider chiropractic, I'd urge you to seek out one these guys. It is worth the distance you may have to travel to keep yourself safe.
Here is a link to the official atlas orthogonal website if you would like to learn more: They also have a "find a doctor" feature on their website.
And as I also mentioned above, seeing an osteopath for adjustments would be another alternative to consider. I have used them as well, and they are also very gentle and safe.
Post Edited (skeye) : 12/30/2017 12:57:35 AM (GMT-7)