Posted 6/30/2018 10:12 AM (GMT -5)
Hi All,
I hope we're now allowed to talk about this issue.
Some of you may recall that I used to be very active in past years. Long story short: I greatly reduced my opioid use about a year ago with the help of various supplements. Nevertheless, if I'm not diligent, if I do too much on a given day, etc., the pain gets bad and I still have to use a BT dose. Also, when I simply have to get a lot done in a day and can't be impacted by pain, I'll take a dose in advance. Some weeks, none, some weeks, most days.
My state (you can guess which) just legalized medical marijuana. In the months prior, I visited legal states and tried out various strains, edibles, topicals etc..
While I found some very helpful topicals, everything else was too psychoactive. Although pain relief was absolutely profound, I don't like being and cannot do my job "high."
So, practically, I'm wondering what others have done about this? Besides topicals, my gamble is that I can find some low THC, high CBD strain (e.g. 5% and 15%) that at low doses, I'll get pain relief without or without intrusive psychoactivity.
Has anyone else been successful in such a pursuit?