Posted 4/24/2019 5:33 PM (GMT -5)
Food is an issue for me because I have a lot of food allergies and sensitivities (some cause asthma, nasal allergies, diarrhea, headaches). I eat mostly vegan (very allergic to eggs) and there are a host of even vegan foods that leave me feeling unwell. I have been working with a nutritionist/dietician for the past year to reduce inflammation and deal with my allergies. A bonus has been I have eliminated migraines that have plagued me since I was 17 (I am now 61) and I knew of many foods that triggered my migraines before but it turns out it was also a synergistic effect of many foods. I eat mostly organic and since I am very sensitive to preservatives, more real food. Needless to say I am a royal pain in the butt to feed.
I use a recliner a lot to rest during the day and you don’t find those much while traveling either so it is hard to rest comfortably unless you get in your hotel bed. And now with my recent neck surgery I do not want to be in a crowd of people as I fear getting bumped into, I also fall easily so touristy places aren’t my thing. I do use a cane, which if nothing else warns people to be careful, but there is always the jerk, in a hurry, shoving themselves through the crowd so they can show off how fast they can walk....😜
I have only been on one cruise and I felt trapped by being around so many people (with voracious appetites) and I was seasick the whole time. I am allergic to the seasick medication. But it sounds it might be a good way to travel?
Traveling with chronic issues is hard. Any other thoughts folks?