Posted 6/28/2019 1:38 PM (GMT -5)
You make some excellent points here. I told my GI doc last week that I at that time had to take Oxy a couple times that week for the pain. I meet with a GI surgeon in just less than 3 weeks, so different person all together. It probably makes sense to circle back with the GI doc, or perhaps my primary who has been with me through all my GI issues. It does say something about my condition now that I have had to resort to oxy for the pain where previously I never had to go to that measure. I won't go into the details but it has been a long road for me, so putting up with the pain is something I just don't have the power to do along with the other symptoms I have to deal with. But yes, it today's environment of medication abuse the legitimate cases are looked at with more scrutiny. So, which do you think I should try first, my primary or the GI?