Posted 1/27/2021 3:26 PM (GMT -5)
Thanks Oceanfisher
I got to the pharmacy at about 10 after 9am They waved for me to wait a minute then singled for me to enter the store. (Covid-19 has forced people to wait outside-it's a small store so they can see who is outside) Anyway they handed me 3 bottles with 30 pills each and said they will have the 4th bottle today. I use 4 eight milligram pills a day which is actually very generous because the usual max is 24mg a day so I'm happy to get the 32mg amount.
I do not blame them as they have given me my medication several times on the 29th day so it was my fault in the end (but one gets used to those extra 4 pills a month and of course will use them when you awake at 2-3am screaming because you laid in one spot too long)
I have to be a little long here so bear with me because it may help another down the line.
Opioid history goes back to around 1995 but was off and on often off completely for a couple of years at a time. An auto accident made my condition much worse and I ran the gamut from failed surgery to percocet to morphine and even methadone. Toward the Spring on 2008 I was so dependent on Percocet that I'd go into withdrawal after 2 to 3 hours.
I searched Google for "Safer opiates" and came upon a clinical trial at Columbia Presypeterian/NYS psychiatric center. It has a long title along the lines of "Pain patients on opioid medications who take more then prescribed amounts of medications" So I went and applied and got accepted into an inpatient study. One had to be in moderate withdrawal before they started with their regimen which was differing dose's of buprenorphine.
First however they'd give you a starting dose to take away the WD's and that was wonderful. After 20 some odd hours of hell, it was fairly rapid relief. I was given the real buprenorphine then some was mixed with placebo so I never knew how much I was exactly getting. I'd report my pain in a log and by the time I felt it was decided for me that 16mg worked best and twofold. First it helped my pain and second, WD was held at bay.
I'd have stayed the 4 weeks but they wanted me to take other opioid medications and "rate" them. I said to them all I wanted was to find out of buprenorphine would work on my pain. I apologized for leaving early and they set me up with a doctor who would prescribe it.
Long story short, that was 2008 and in late 2009 I tapered off to get a baseline on my pain. I went a year without any opiate medications but my pain got worse and I found a clinic that prescribed buprenorphine. I went back on 2mg twice a day but have worked up to my present 32mg (a combo of increased pain for various reasons and tolarance)
I hope buprenorphine can offer help to others as it has for me. It may work or may not however for example, my pain clinic stopped prescribing all opioid medications which was horrible for so many but lucky for me, continue buprenorphine prescribing.
Oceanfishing? I used to love it!