Posted 8/16/2020 11:53 AM (GMT -5)
Hi all! New to the forum. I had fusion of c4, c5, c6, c7 with graft and plate at the end of May. The numbness and tingling were better at first, but the pain was worse. X-ray at 4 weeks and MRI at 9 weeks showed things looked good. At that point, the numbness and tingling was back in full force and I have worse pain now. Burning pain. I can pinpoint the worst pain on the back of my neck on the left, but it radiates from there. It was like I didn’t say those words to my surgeon. He released me with no restrictions to return to work 12 weeks after surgery.
I returned and didn’t think I was going to make it the first night. I was in tears. I use a high pressure hose for 5-6 hours a night. Climb on equipment, carry chemical. I hurt so bad I couldn’t swallow. Called in the next night, which I hate doing. I asked the surgeon before even going back to work to please refer me to pain management. He refused.
As a side note, I didn’t know I had disk problems. I had not complained about neck pain. I thought I had a shoulder dislocation causing the numbness and tingling in my left arm (horse incident) and my right arm hurt and tingled from repetitive Motions from years of vacuuming, etc. I was very shocked to be sent for an MRI and more shocked to learn the extent of degeneration and compressed nerves. Surgery was a reluctant last resort. I wish I’d never done it because now I’m in constant pain that my surgeon has completely ignored, and I’m trying to figure out how I’ll manage at work tonight.
Any advice is appreciated! I’m at a loss.