Posted 6/26/2022 11:38 AM (GMT -5)
I am done.
Done with trying to get doctors to take me seriously
Done with trying to convince people that I am not a hypochondriac or a junkie or trying to game the system for personal gain.
Done with trying to explain to family and friends my latest round of symptoms and disabilities, done with the veterans health care system, done with greedy health care organizations, big pharma, and insurance companies that only care about you as long as their bottom line isnt threatened.
I am through.
I have heart problems, circulatory problems, nervous system problems, breathing problems, I am bipolar, and I am humongously fat and prediabetic.
All my problems are, on some level, my own fault...I was too weak and stupid to learn how to be a proper man, I abused my body when I was young and dumb, I stopped moving around and taking proactive care of myself...and now I am suffering for it.
I have let my doctors and shrinks at the veterans administration know that I want to cancel all future appointments, stop taking what little medicine they have prescribed me, and just move to an assisted living facility and let myself die, alone and in pain.
I have told my family and friends to ignore me, stop trying to understand me, and just leave me alone.
I am just..done...with everything.
NO, I am NOT suicidal, I am NOT going to harm myself or anyone else, I just plan to die alone and suffering, because I deserve it.
Thank you to those who reached out to me, I appreciate the effort, but its time to just reap what I have sown.