I would be running from that Quack as fast as I could, that Psych that he sent you to, that is not standard practice for treating pain that she was pushing. She is wrong and if your PM sent yoou to her then he is also wrong too! The question that I have, is you said he was making allot of mistakes with writing scripts, and all. You don't think he is giving you this new med and then (I hate to say this but Pain Docs have done this before and got in trouble for it) but still doing scripts for your other and then using it himself? I mean you were saying he had changed allot and all, and then making mistakes and so insistent that you use this other med???? It doesn't add up! You also said he has back problems and all, but quit using pain meds? That sound fishy too! At least to me! I think I would be really looking at finding another PM and quick. Something is just not right about it! If your on a med that works and then he changes it for no apparent reason, and then with all the other stuff you have written, I just don't know???, Did he tell you he quit using pain meds for his back? Or is he really using more? I am sorry but from what you have said I am skeptical about him! There is definitely something rotten in Denmark! or what ever that saying is!
I wish you well Frances you know you have your family here to support you!
White Beard