I went to my apt with my neurologist today for the EMG on my legs since I have started having so much weakness in my legs and have been falling. I know my posts are usually long, but since I started posting, I feel like I am around people who live life like I have to. My family is understanding thank goodness, but they will never really understand the pain and the stress of what is happening to my body! Anyway, went in for the EMG, barely felt a thing (I am assuming that is bad, because of the expression in the docs face and the fact that they kept adjusting the computer until I could fee someting. Never was bad, but I am thinking that is not a good thing. Anyway after she did the test, I mentioned the muscle spasms that have been literally ripping through my back and the day and a half that I was not able to walk because I could not feel my left leg at at. She gave me 4 injections in my lower back and put a lidocane patch over it and gave me a script
for lidocane patches daily. Then she dropped the BOMB!!! I was kind of expecting her to tell me I needed to consider surgery on my lower back, but she said she was going to try to get me into a neurosurgeon ASAP to have NECK surgery. All I really understand right now is that I have severe stenosis, scoliosis, and extensive nerve damage in my neck. I dont know what they do to "fix" that, but they have already told me that after the initial surgery because of my DJD and DDD that I will have to redo the corrective surgerys at least every 5 years. I see her again in 2 weeks and she will have my referral to the surgeon, so until then I don't have any clue as to what to expect, or what they may do. I am really petriffied. For some reason surgery on my neck seems so much scarier than surgery on my back. Maybe its because your neck controls you whole body and the lower back is the waist down, or the knowledge that they will cut across the front of my neck...I dont know, but Was definately not expecting what she told me, but if I dont have the surgery, I will probably be in a wheelchair before summer is over!!! Does anyone have any answers or suggestons?