You are wonderful - and I thank you for your post. Try something - go up to the upper right hand corner and in the "search" field - type in something like my screename or "Tina" and "babies" or "twins". I think you may be able to pull up a bunch of my post that shows my journey over the last year. If this doesn't work - let me know, and I'll figure out another way.
In all honesty, I was in SEVERE post-partum depression from their birth through about mid-January. I don't even know if I posted here.... told their birth story.... or whatever. I was severely medicated in order to not be hospitalized. Once I got off all the stuff, though - I'm coming back to life, slowly but surely.
Finally - if you don't find what you are looking for here.... I did write up the whole journey and would be happy to share it with you. It has everything from how I wasn't even supposed to get pregnant (diagnosed pre-menopausal, along w/ all my health issues), to finding out I was carrying twins, to trying to get off all my meds - and battling some horrendous doctors until I found the right ones, to them wanted to abort one of the girls because she wasn't growing properly (they are both healthy as can be now), and on and on. I'd be happy to share it with you...just e-mail me and I'll send it to you as soon as I can. I've had a couple of people seriously approach me about writing a book. You know, in my spare time :)
Oh, and if you e-mail me - I'll send you a picture, too - or you can find me on Facebook. I just forgot how to post pics here. Maybe one day, someone can tell me again.
Thinking of you tonight, Loretta. Thanks for the post..... Love, Tina