I'm back to post the link to Part 2 of the series in the Huffington Post exposing all the incorrect information that's been used to scare so many people, agencies, etc.
This article is a lot of info. to digest. I had to read it in a couple of sittings, but it's worth it IMHO. Helps for all of us to be educated so we can begin to challenge others about
mistaken beliefs about
CP and CPP's. It will particularly help Florida residents understand what's happened there, and how it's affected the rest of the country.
I'm not sure how to make the link "hot", but I hope one of the moderators will do that if I've failed. Otherwise you may have to cut and paste. Sorry! Here it is:
www.huffingtonpost.com/radley-balko/us-painkillers-abuse_b_1263565.htmlAnyway, will be interested in hearing anyone's thoughts after digesting this!