I wasn't expecting this and had no idea what it was about
. Because I'm running a temp, and feel lousy (but still happy), and dislike visitors randomly popping in, I'm too tired, and have had too much go on.
To my total surprise, this nurse ROCKED! She's my case worker from the hospital where I had the THR done, and where I was brought by ambulance for emergency admittance. She asked for the whole story, and I pulled out ALL my notes. She was patient, she listened to me, she knows I see my PCP this afternoon. I have 20 pages of hand written notes and a small notebook, keeping track of details.
She gave me her card, said she will be my advocate, that what I'm perceiving as "not right" makes perfect sense, and she, too, is not happy with how I was treated. In fact, she made a list, giving me her card, of what to ask my PCP for, including revisiting my ortho surgeon in 2 weeks. Side note: My case worker actually works WITH my surgeon. She had quite a list of things she said I need checked out, and if I have any problems or run into any counter, make sure I call her and she will speak to my PCP AND my surgeon, and she'll make sure I'm taken care of.
Of interest, she's also had a total hip replacement, and multiple traumas, so she came from a place of understanding and compassion. She commented on the "bright rash of bumps" along my spine that she can't account for. But the cascading events since my LAST fiasco, ....I'm still paying collateral damage.
She was so supportive, she wasn't judgmental, she could tell by looking at me and listening to me, and seeing how I'm keeping track of everything, that I really am serious about trying to take care of myself as directed. She had a few recommendations she wants me to run by my PCP and said feel free to have her call me if she wants to discuss anything, but it sounds like they're on the same page.
This came out of the blue. I had no idea about this visit. She normally sees patients when they're discharged but I had two discharges then got sent back to the hospital so I was basically unreachable....until now.
She told me to consider her my ADVOCATE if I find I need one, if I need to ask any questions or run things by her. She's pleased with how I'm handling everything, but also expressed some significant concerns and is glad I'm seeing my PCP today.
Surprises, they come in all different packages and wrappings. I learned today they don't all suck.
A couple of hours and I'll be at the doc's office. She recommended I do not go alone because she could tell that I seem "excitable" and "anxious" and, she said, "rightfully so." The very characteristics I know are used against us to backfire our goals of independence. I'm happy this RN saw past that into the reality.
The fact she's baffled too, though, advocate or no, I'll admit makes me a little nervous.
Here's to a good PCP visit....in a few hours.