One thing about
Chronic Pain is that it is almost always accompanied with Depression. And Depression in its self can cause one to have ups and downs, so it could be just the chronic pain, but, with that said, since most pain meds affect the central nervous system, it is reasonable to think that many of them could also have an affect on our moods! I mean many pain meds when taken in higher than needed dosage will often produce a feeling of euphoria. So it is very possible that the meds are also having an affect on ones moods! Heck I know that hydrocodone makes me feel wired and I can not sleep when taking it. But yet Oxycodone has no such affect on me, it does not make me drowsy or wide awake. Everyone is so different, and the affects of medications affect everyone differently!
Hi Major USA and I want to Welcome you to Healing Well Chronic Pain Forum, I see we have a few things in common, I spent a little over 22 years in the Air Force, went in, in 1969. I also had a C6/7 disc fusion, I had mine in 1985 while stationed in Alaska. I was able to finish my career and I retired in 1991. You asked about what type of Doctor you should see next? Have you been to a Spinal Pain Management Doctor yet? I see you are taking allot of pain meds, but are they being prescribed by a spinal pain management doctor? The reason I ask, is they can often do other things to help control pain besides prescribe pain medications, i.e. epidural spinal injections, and nerve blocks to mention a few. I know I have been seeing one for over 12 years, and he has done allot for me in controlling my pain! Just a side note, it is not unusual for the disc above or below a fusion to go bad. So if you start having any pain going down your arms and into your hands or any thing like that, get it checked out immediately. My neurosurgeon told me usually they go bad within ten years, I got just about 25 years, when the disc at C5/6 went bad and I had to have another ACDF in 2009. Anyway yesterday I seen my PM doc, and is making me a referral to see a specialist in Indianapolis to see if I am a good candidate for an implanted pain pump. If your having allot of problems with pain and the surgeons can't seem to help you, and your pain meds don't seem to control it, then maybe having an epidural might help? or having an implanted pain pump that put the medication right in the spinal canal.
Anyway I wish you well, and hope that you can get some answers. And Again I Welcome you to our CP family here at Healing Well!
White Beard