Posted 6/11/2015 2:27 AM (GMT -5)
Sounds like a new pharmacy is in order! I agree with poor management as I just said that exact thing to the manager at a local Dollar general, no matter what I run in for and it's often being the only store within a mile, they're out! When in the course of a week they have not had bread one day, no sugar going on 3 days, not one single brand of excederin, and no cigarettes of the brand my sil smokes and it's a Florida made brand, not that I care but we just end up going to a gas station paying more! Lol
If you are a manager and constantly and consistently running out of certain items are you not paying attention to your inventory? Your customers needs? Is it sitting in the stockroom not getting put out? Or do you just not care? Maybe it's time the regional director needs to shake up the staff and find some folks who actually are in the customer service business for more than a paycheck.
The only excuse a pharmacy would have is if they're dispensing over their allowance for that med therefore they are going to have at least one patient ending up short every month and it's still bad business practice to take on more patients for a med you already are dispensing the limit of out of that store.
Sorry for your troubles but thanks for the opportunity to rant over a pet peeve!!