Posted 3/11/2018 11:15 PM (GMT -5)
If you are having a cortisol study then you are likely being tested for possible adrenal insufficiency. I have Addison’s disease (primary adrenal insufficiency). Adrenal insufficiency is a relatively rare condition that is complex in arriving at an accurate diagnosis. It can stump even experienced endocrinologists.
I would encourage you to ask your endocrinologist for a copy of your test results (baseline cortisol and ACTH stimulation stidy, if ordered). Accurate diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency depends on accurate interpretation of test results. It is not uncommon for someone with adrenal insufficiency to languish for 5-7 years before an accurate diagnosis is made. Feel free to query me if you have questions/concerns with the testing process and results. As a result of my own experience where medical care failed me, I am active with the NADF (National Adrenal Disease Foundation) in helping individuals access endocrinologists with pituitary speciality.
A ventral hernia is one of the more common hernias. It occurs along the body’s central, front midline - called the Linea Aspera. The Linea Aspera is the fine line that you can often see or feel that runs lengthwise down the body’s thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. It represents the band of connective tissue that brings together the two halves (left and right sides) of the abdominal wall.
As an example of a central hernia . . .
During pregnancy, as the womb increases in girth, a majority of women experience central/ventral hernias. The growing forth of the abdomen during pregnancy causes the Libra Aspera to separate. The hernia tends to resolve/reduce post-pardum.
Individuals who have added abdominal fat that lies around the midsection are (like pregnancy) prone to central hernias that cause the Linea Aspera to separate.
Wearing an undergarment/underware that has a front panel designed to provide a “control top” full-brief is a good first option to reduce the hernia. Often, these underpants are made of Lycra or spandex or have a special front panel of compressive material. The key is to provide an inward pressure gradient to reduce the hernia.
Other options are use of a stretchy limbo-sacral wrap or belly-band.
I have an ileostomy and wear camisole tops and underware made specifically to prevent hernia formation. The company also makes hernia support garments. I highly recommend the brand, called ComFizz, which is based in England/United Kingdom. Feel free to browse the ComFizz website. I am a loyal customer.
Sending you kinship and understanding,