Your self-diagnosis of adhesions seems Right On.
Welcome to the Adhesions Club.
Adhesions are basically bands of scar tissue that act like a rubber band, tethering a segment of the small bowel to another segment of small bowel, or tethering to an adjacent organ, or tethering to the abdominal wall. The tethering results in a transient “kink” in the small bowel, analogous to a “kink” in a garden hose with running water.
Symptoms of a partial instructions: repeated waves of abdominal pain; nausea; projectile vomiting; little passage of gas and poop; abdominal distension.
Things you can implement to keep episodes tolerable:
A. Use an osmotic laxative daily. Miralax or Milk of Magnesia or supplemental magnesium citrate capsules. The goal is to add water to digested food material in the intestinal tract, to make the consistency more liquidity, so that “poop” can pass more easily trough narrows passageways.
B. Focus on hydration and liquids for nutrition and calories during an “episode.”
Consume only soft foods and keep portion sizes very small as you do re-introduce foods. You do not want to overwhelm the intestinal tract with too much volume or bulk. Avoid foods that are high in insoluble fiber.
C. Keep moving
The intestines are a tube of smooth muscle and rely on the body’s activity for motility. Walking is your friend. Practicing basic beginning yoga postures is a Best Practice for those with adhesions. Yoga posture and stretches act as a form of intestinal massage.
D. Hot showers, hot packs
Warm showers and hot packs to the abdomen help relax muscles that contract due to pain and guarding.
Unfortunately, adhesions are not visible by x-ray nor by imaging CT scans nor by MRI. Adhesions are radio-opaque to imaging. The effects of an active bowel obstruction can be only seen on imaging when the obstruction/narrowing is extreme enough to cause gastric distension and ballooning above the area of kink or structure OR as a goodly volume of fecal back-up/constipation takes place due to the obstruction and this fecal back-up becomes weighty and discomforting. Extensive fecal constipation will show on imaging.
Protocol for a partial small bowel obstruction is bowel rest. Stop intake of solid food. Sip on clear liquids. Dose freely with Miralax to help clear the partial restriction. Walk and stretch.
When to go to the ER? Excruciating abdominal pain, it will literllly bring you to your knees; projectile vomiting, repeated; no passage of gas or bowel movement.
I have had several small bowel obstructions. None of them pleasant. It sounds as though yours are intermittent and transient in nature. Cut back on solid food for now with a focus on hydration with clear liquids. Focus on hydration. Lie on your left side, as this often helps sift the intestines to drop down. Begin to use an osmotic laxative on a daily basis as a preventative measure.
Deep tissue masage by a physical therapist is one avenue you can discuss with your physician. Deep tissue massage has known benefits in reducing the incidence of small bowel obstructions by making scar tissue more subtle. You can Google “deep tissue abdominal massage for management of adhesions” to learn more.
Post Edited ((Seashell)) : 12/22/2018 11:44:32 AM (GMT-7)