Posted 4/13/2020 10:27 AM (GMT -5)
Hello, I have posted here in the past with my pain issues-I have many issues but the most pain is in my low back and hips into my legs (sciatica) I have "failed back syndrome" and had one surgery, a fusion, laminectomy with screws etc.
I've been posting in prostate cancer because I have a Gleason score 6 cancer I'm dealing with.
Just would like to add a couple of things-The pandemic has caused me to see the doctor via a phone app which worked okay since all he is doing now is writing for my pain med's which is buprenorphine 8mg four times a day. I know it is a very high dose but I tolerate it well. Only side effect is constipation and that is under control with a stool softener and senna,
I still get decent pain relief but nights have become very bad because there is only one position I can lay in without pain.Problem is once asleep I rollover and awake screaming in pain. I've been trying to avoid taking a pill at 2 or 3 or 4am so I'll have enough for the rest of the day but have started to take one to get back to sleep. Therefore I've been short the last couple of months. Buprenorphine has a very long half life so I have no worries about withdrawal symptoms but toward the last week before a refill, i'm forced to take 3 a day or even 2 1/2 a day because I ran short.
Funny because in the past I usually had a few extra left over (well not funny more ironic)
So not really complaining just wish the DEA and the powers that be have limited me to pretty much the max on buprenorphine (most use a lot less and 32mg while prescribed, is rare) I thought of maybe asking for hydromorphone as a "breakthrough" because post hip surgery the hospital did not provide buprenorphine but gave me the dilaudid (hydromorphone) and it worked even though my pain doctor said it may not because my receptors were "covered" for days with the bupe.
Anyway, crazy here in NYC pray this pandemic is over soon