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Regular Member
Joined : Feb 2003
Posts : 233
Posted Yesterday 12:02 AM (GMT -5)
Anyone have any feedback on taking oxycodone during a flair? Tylenol 3 seems to be being laughed at by my pain and this is the only alternative I have in the house...
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Posted Yesterday 12:09 AM (GMT -5)
It's ok, causes constipation though!! Be careful, drink lots of fluid.
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Posted Yesterday 12:29 AM (GMT -5)
I was told to use the minimum amount that helped my pain, to avoid constipation
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Posted Yesterday 7:39 AM (GMT -5)
I found that I had to eat more fiber and drink more water to get things moving. Sometimes when things didn't move I would have to go for a walk to get things moving. The other thing I noticed was it made me extreamly tired that I could function....I hope you havea better time with it...
artist guy
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Posted Yesterday 9:33 AM (GMT -5)
extremely adictive
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Posted Yesterday 10:00 AM (GMT -5)
I have been taking 1/2 tab of Percoset (aka oxycodone) 3 x's a day for a few years now, before that it was 1/2 tab of Vicodin for many many years. I not only have Crohns, but also Fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis and live with chronic pain everyday. Actually Crohns is in remission, but my joint pain is there everyday. I do best with 1/2 tab. It works well to take care of most of my pain. Some days I have to take a little more becuz I have more pain. If I don't need it I don't take it, and have no withdrawal type problems. So at this time, I am not "dependent" on it. I really dislike the addiction type posts. With chronic illnesses like we have, the pain that many Crohnies live with, prescript
ion meds like this are needed. Yes some of us may become "dependent" on them, but how much better is our quality of life without living with so much pain. Addicts are people who abuse these meds just to get high. I do not get high from my meds, I get pain relief. JMHO
artist guy
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Posted Yesterday 10:34 AM (GMT -5)
I agree with you %100 nanners, pain med's are vitally important to people who need them,myself included, I'm just sying they can be over used. I know as much about
pain med's as most people, no offese to anybody in this forum
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Posted Yesterday 10:38 AM (GMT -5)
Nanners well said. I know that for people dealing with a chronic disease that causes pain it can be very difficult to take a pain medication daily. In your mind, you know that you don't want to become dependant on pain meds, but if you are going to function and have a decent quality of life the pain meds may be necessary. It's a difficult thing to have to deal with on top of everything else that goes along with having Crohn's.
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Posted Yesterday 12:00 PM (GMT -5)
I don't think taking pain meds is any picnic. For me it's a trade off. I can either be useless and worn down from CD pain...or I can be useless and worn down, but pain free on meds.
I take a couple of 500 mg. Vicodin daily. It slows down the bm's, but it also slows the rest of me down. What usually takes me one day to do my sales taxes, took me a week this year.
My doc thought the oxy's might be for me, but I declined. I'm a little afraid of them and the vicodin is doing okay right now for me pain wise.
I really don't care about
dependency or addiction. As long as I'm not abusing my script
s, when it's time to come off of them my doctor will be there for whatever it takes to do so. Meanwhile, I'm just thankful for whatever pain relief I can get.
I suppose you could say that we are dependent on our maintenance meds as well. But because there are no opiods attached to Asacol or biologics, we tend not to think about
them in the way of dependency, or fear them. The mind is a funny thing. No?
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Posted Yesterday 2:42 PM (GMT -5)
Whenever I take percocet, I drink apple juice during the day and it keeps me from getting constipated. Just be sure to get REAL apple juice and not the stuff with 10% juice and 90% sugar.
Nanners-I completely agree with you. If your quality of life depends on pain meds...take em! There's no use living a life full of pain if it can be avoided. I have a friend who will suffer for days with headaches before finally taking just Tylenol...I don't understand it. If you're in pain and can take something to get rid of it, why not?
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Posted Yesterday 2:44 PM (GMT -5)
I know my daughter is extremely sensitive about
people knowing that she is taking pain medications because of societies perceptions that people using them are weak or are drug abusers. I don't suppose the GI doctors have helped that since they now tell patients anti-depressants should do. The doctors tell me they have been burned in the past by prescribing pain meds and have to be careful because of the government. Every time I see another celebrity die for suspected drug over dose, I cringe because I know that whole perception is continuing to be enforced.
My daughter is in a position of training others including children in a physical activity. She doesn't think they would understand that she is in enough pain to warrant pills. She can usually hide how badly she feels when she is teaching and she looks so healthy. She is afraid they will judge her. Most people could not possibly understand how horrible Crohn's is without experiencing it first hand.
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Posted Yesterday 5:30 PM (GMT -5)
I'm dependant but am very careful how and when I use morphine. I chart each dose and daily totals and keep records that my Dr.s and I to go over. T-3's worked for a long time then stopped being effective. Slowly over the years I've gone up the opiod triangle to finally morphine. Yes the pain requires medications and don't let anyone tell you otherwise just use as little as possible. Here's a link to definitions regarding addiction and dependancy very good info.
Sorry you'll have to copy and paste, it didn't show up as a link. Good Luck Rob.
*activated your link*
Post Edited By Moderator (Nanners) : 2/7/2010 8:40:31 AM (GMT-7)
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Posted Yesterday 10:26 PM (GMT -5)
I doubt I could ever take percocet for fun. Half a tab and I am asleep! Some party.
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Posted 2/8/2010 9:34 AM (GMT -5)
I agree that some pain meds become necessary when dealing with CD. I have had it since 94 and just started taking pain meds on a regular basis last year. I feel like a criminal asking for the prescript
ion and my Dr. keeps saying how he doesn't like to give them, they are addictive (vicadin) but if the pain is constant or at the very least chronic...what is the problem? I don't get a buzz...I get a small amount oof relief! they do not even kill the pain, only dull it. But it is such a hassle to get them.
dx 1994, 52 yr old female. colonectomy with ileostomy, 3 intestinal blockages, reconnect/ remove ileostomy. c-section and tubal. gall bladder removal. so now no Dr. wants to go back in my abdomin due to scar tissue. stricture area near the reconnection. barrett's syndrome. remicade, entocort, xifaxin, paxil, aciphex, donnatol, b-12 shots, vicadin, clindomy acin, plus vitamins and minerals.
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Posted 2/9/2010 12:55 AM (GMT -5)
Educating our Dr.s is so important. Thats one of the reasons why I chart my pain meds so they can see when I flare and how bad and long they last.
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Posted 6/27/2010 3:06 PM (GMT -5)
Every time I have a flair up I get vicodin or Oxy's and do just fine with them u have nothing to worrie about
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Posted 6/27/2010 3:21 PM (GMT -5)
I take Tylenol 3 to stop the motility of my intestines, but if it gets really bad, I will take Bentyl or hyosciamine and Vicodin instead. I took one T-3 everyday for about
a year, and I feel that it's the only thing that helped me function normally on a daily basis. Since I seem to be getting worse lately, I try to watch my intake. Not only do I want to space out the meds, but they are expensive as well!
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Posted 6/28/2010 4:16 AM (GMT -5)
i'm on 5-325 percocet (up to 4 a day if needed) prescribed by my doc at a pain clinic...i feel no narcotic effects and am nowhere near addicted...if i don't need them i don't take them...they do help to dull the pain but do not take the pain away completely...they HAVE improved my quality of life though and that's what matters most!
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Posted 6/28/2010 4:17 AM (GMT -5)
oh yeah...and for me constipation is not a bad thing...the percs have definitely "slowed me down" which is a nice side effect.
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Posted 6/28/2010 4:33 PM (GMT -5)
My doctor prescribes hydrocodone. I've been told that the difference between oxycodone and hydrocodone is that the codeine is natural in the oxycodone, but synthetic in the hydrocodone. And whereas oxycodone can knock you out, hydrocodone tends to hype people up. I hoard mine and only take one when I'm exhausted from my CD symptoms. The pill makes me feel normal and happy, but it makes me crazy energetic, so that I stay up almost all night, cheerfully tackling all kinds of projects. It blocks me up for six to ten hours, but I pay for it later, when my usual diarrhea returns with a vengeance.
Part of why I hoard my pills is that I don't want my body to get used to them--because they provide me with the only happy buzz I can get, since I haven't had an alcoholic drink since my diagnosis in 1999. Although my doctor wouldn't mind if I took one every day, I take one about
once every ten days (more when I'm traveling or have a special event to get through)--so he laughs at me and tells me, "Oh, yeah--you're a big drug addict."
artist guy
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Posted 6/28/2010 4:56 PM (GMT -5)
I've taken (last week) pain med's to slow down d. immodium makes me feel like the top of my head will explode. gas will not leave my body with immodium, so no good for me. when i get bloated and gassy, i have got to get rid of that gas. when my pain is half bad i will take 2 v's 500mg. when i know it is going to be a bad gas blockage I know that 2 will not budge that pain so i start with 3 and 1/2 then wait if that works great if it doesn't i will take another 1/2. I can't take the pain any more, no tolerance. 40 years with cd
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Posted 6/28/2010 5:38 PM (GMT -5)
I am currently taking hydrocodone. I like the constipating effect. It helps me to be able to sleep more than an hour at a time at night. I take one in the morning and one at night. My rectal pain was becoming unbearable and I was in the bathroom every hour.
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Posted 6/29/2010 2:19 AM (GMT -5)
I'm on Morphine Sulfate but my new pain Dr. has told me we'll be trying oxycontin (time release)and oxcodone (break through pain) soon, as they are better for viseral (organs) pain control than what I'm on now. That will be a nice change!
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