ivy6 said...
Gosh! That sounds scary.
I'm glad you're safe so far.
What happens if the other mountain erupts? Is there somewhere safe you can all go?
Well if the other one erupts than I think I am safe but there will be a flash flood and last time the coast line expanded 3 miles(5 km) out to the ocean.
There would be a lot of ash fall and that would impact flight schedules and so on
here is a wikipedia article about
Katla the volcano they fear will wake up from the new volcano that is erupting now.
But if something like this would happen we have a great evacuation plan that they have been rehearsing since 2006.
so I think everyone would hopefully survive and get new homes.
This is nowhere near the capital Reykjavik where most of the Icelandic people live so they are all safe.
I will just cross my fingers and hope for the best for everyone.
But when you live in Iceland earthquakes and volcano's are part of the package.
But it is not like it is happening every day so we will survive ;)
Thanks to the volcanic activity in Iceland we have lots of cheap hot water that we use to heat our houses ;)
And there has not been a death from earthquakes and volcano's for many many years.
We build good strong houses that can tolerate bad weather and lots of other stuff.
Since I was born in 1984 there have been 6 volcanic eruptions and 3 big earthquakes they where 6.2. 6.5 and 6.6 Richter magnitude scale but that is small compared to Haiti.