hi there everyone,i'm new to this forum although i do read up on things here but this is my first post.
I was diagnosed with cd 17yrs ago and generally i've been ok,i suffer with cronic d and i've only had one op that was at 17.
As i've got older i've noticed its getting worse,and recently i've been having some probs.
I've been having alot of hems recently really painfull ones that wont go away,and this last week i have been getting more cramps,feeling sick,loss of appitite and generally feeling knackerd and very down with the constant pain in the bottom area.
I have an appointment at the hospital in two weeks as the hems are pretty much destroying my life and wanna see if anything can be done,but as i've been reading about flare ups i'm wondering if i may be going through one although i know everone has different symptoms??
I do have pentasa to take but i've never took it prop as i feel it doesn't help really?
any thoughts people would help