Hello everyone. I went into labor 4 weeks early with bleeding. They couldn't explain why I was bleeding so much, and admitted me for continuous monitoring. The bleeding continued but the baby didn't mind. So they let me continue to progress. I got stuck at 6cm and it took almost 24 hours before they broke my waters and out she came!
She came out screaming and checked out 9 out of 10 APGAR!
Sydney Rose - born 10-12-10 @ 4:34pm 6lb 1oz.
The docs couldn't tell me why I bled the entire 40+ hours of labor, but in the end it turned out alright. I was able to do it all with out pain meds too. I had been joking the entire pregnancy, that I was well equiped to deal with pain from the CD and didn't need to take lamase
. I did tear a little and am hoping that will not create a fissureo or other CD issue. So far so good. (We are breastfeeding also) Good luck to all the other moms-to-be.
Thanks for all the information and support.