Posted 11/6/2010 9:47 AM (GMT -5)
For me it started with diarrhea shortly after I would eat, but also having regular stools in between. After a year or so began horrible intermittent pains that would last a few seconds (every second of which I wished I would die) Finally after a few years I had my first "Flare", horrible constant pain, constant diarrhea 30-40 times a day. slept 18hrs a day, barely enough energy to stand for 10 minutes, lost weight at the rate of about 1 lb a day. It took several Dr's 6 months to confirm the diagnosis, mostly bc of insurance reasons. Tons of blood work, a CT and finally diagnosed through colonoscopy.
Has your Dr suggested a CT, Barium x ray series? pill cam or colonoscopy? Have you suggested crohns/IBD to him? What blood tests have they done? My CRP and Sed rate were always high and my liver function was abnormal as well. Did they check those? Also, I don't know what test they ran on me in the beginning but one was for auto immune disease and it came back negative? I thought that was odd since "I" knew it was crohn's given family history and crohns is supposed to be auto immune. BTW I just had 2 ultra sounds in the hospital, they can't see your intestines with those just grey areas so those can't show if there is inflammation or anything in there, only tell you where they are. They used it to rule out other things like ovaries(which you don't have lol) then did a CT which showed the problem was in my small intestines.
Good luck, let us know what they find