I do not have CD but more chronic fatigue and mostly due to failed crowns and severe dental problems which I was too poor to fix so I will probably wear dentures. I came to your past post on Crohn's when I googled B-12 and Crohn's for a friend who has this disease. Apart from all that I am amazingly full of energy compared to years ago. I have spent the past two years researching everything I put into my body down to details such as how to properly make herb teas dep. on the herb, personal care and household products. EMF etc. A few humble comments for you to look into based on your post from February, 2009.
What is contributing to making you tired judging from your past February post 2010, is the toxic mattress you sleep on (Google Tempurpedic toxic) and the electric blanket which creates a high EMF around your body. If you put a cell phone to your ear for long periods that too. And then diet is a huge part - Freeze fresh berries and soak and if possible ferment with yoghurt or sourdough your grains. Sprouts are good too. Do not overcook meats and try to go for raw dairy of goat or sheep rather than cow if you must have dairy. No food is perfect of course, but some are easier on the gut and energy system of humans than others and some food is downright junk, overprocessed or bad food combo like potatoes and meat, cows milk and sugar in ice cream, etc. Use fry pan to water steam "fry" with tight lid. Do not heat plant oils except coconut - Use ghee, butter, lard or coconut oil for stable heating oils. Use only good sea or pink salt, avoid ordinary table salt. Avoid stuff picked in vinegar. Salt can ruin the terrain in the gut for good bacteria and so can excess spices and garlic.
Research EVERYTHING you put on your skin, body care products etc. as well as food and realize that the source of the food, how ripe, time of day eaten, and combination with other foods will affect how you react to it. Go to bed early as much as possible and don't eat late at night. Tend toward alkaline foods with lots of veges, cooked or raw, and fruit as suits your climate and season. Also I don't know what technology is in your shoes (Temperakon?) but anything affecting our electrical field should be out. Actually to get the true pulses of the earth walk in leather soled shoes or mocassins (rubber soles are not dangerous but not healthful either, but shoes with metals, batteries etc are the worse). NEVER heat food in a microwave.
I wish I had known the above years ago. And time - Healing takes time but I vouch for the power of nature to heal from within. I listen to Prem Rawat on You tube for relaxation and alertness from a centered point of relaxation. My natural digestion mentally and physically is a lot slower than the metabolism of this world I find.