Posted 12/9/2010 2:37 PM (GMT -5)
NCOT, when you play with fire you might get burned. Attitude is a big part of what keeps me going and being optimistic actually dose have an effect on my condition. Instead of thinking that since you have not ended up in the E.R. or in surgery that it is not possible for you, you may want to count your blessings. You sound like your crohn's is a very mild case as of right now, but if left untreated that could change very fast. Nobody ever said you are going to die without meds but your quality of life could change drastically when you do flare because the disease was doing damage even when you felt no symptoms. I had to learn the hard way and ended up a month in the hospital. Nanners had a long remission without meds and ended paying for it later. There are plenty of other stories on here but I guess some people just need to learn for themselves. The reason that you don't hear as many success stories is that they typically don't come and post when they are feeling good. I know when I am feeling good, the last thing I want to think about is Crohn's disease and to be reminded of it. When your disease does become severe down the road, you will be wanting those meds.
Blueberrydecaf, stay positive and don't let this disease consume the person you are. It is really easy to get in a mode that we think we are either bigger than the disease or know more than our doctors. When you get to that point, it is good to take a step back a reevaluate your situation. If you do not have faith in your doctor or treatment, it is probably time to seek a second opinion. Please don't ever blame yourself for having this disease. You did not ask for it, you did not buy it, you did nothing that would have lead ou to contracting this disease. On the other hand, you were dealt a particularly difficult situation and you know control how you are going to react toward it. We can not control every aspect of the disease but we can control many of the factors that do lead to a flare or severe symptoms. I am inspired by those that take it into their hands and fight back by following a good diet, take the proper meds, and don't settle for you must always be sick. It is good for you to be recognizing what is different in your life from when you are flaring and when you are not flaring and to realize that those things may be a trigger. You now know that stress is a trigger for you and can try and eliminate as much stress as possible in the future to stop mild flares from becoming major flares. That is how this disease works, taking all the little bits of daily knowledge and incorporating them into our lives. Use this website to vent some of that stress and to learn from others and their situations. Do not expect every single symptom that you read about on here to happen to you. I can't possibly put enough emphasis on staying positive. Attitude is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it.