Posted 2/4/2011 10:35 AM (GMT -5)
This is not for men only , its just that we have so many ( for the ladies only ) post ,,,,and you know the guys have to look ,,just like you gals are looking at this one now,,,,Yep,,,,got you..Just looks as though the ladies have a lot more crohns trouble with their private parts than the guys do, or maybe the guys keep their private parts problems ,,,ahhhhh,,,,more private. I would not think that fistulas care if they are drilling through male or female parts but I dont recall seeing a post where a man had one in that area . Just a bit curious about that. Maybe there is an unspoken rule when the little crohnie bugs are drilling from organ to organ that they cant do their dirty work in certain areas. It's like , "Hey, stop that,,thats a male private part, You know you arent allowed to mess that up ! " "Oh sorry boss, I got confused. " Really, it could be a hormone thing too. Maybe crohns has limits as to what parts of the body it can mess up or perhaps some parts taste better than others . I find it hard to believe though because its has done a job on a great deal of my body from entrance to exit with little regard to staying in the intestine area, not forgetting the damage done to my joints from little crohnie bug allies that want to get in on the fun . I guess I should be thankful that one small area has not been invaded . Oh crap,,,, did I say small area ? I must have some brain damage too. Geeeeeez.