Posted 2/10/2011 4:24 AM (GMT -5)
Fish Oil seems to be interesting stuff. My GI suggested I start taking it. He suggested it may have some affects on Crohn's and it is supposed to be good for your heart. I've had other doctors agree, and last year when I was in the hospital for a month, they were giving it to me every day.
I also occasionally see a therapist to deal with the ups and downs of chronic illness. She also recommended fish oil as being beneficial for the brain. She mentioned that studies showed that an adult needed 1000mg to start to see improvements in mood, etc. Not sure how much is needed for possible Crohn's use.
I don't know if it really helps my Crohn's, but I still take 6mp. I doubt I'd ever want to try fish oil only. The logic behind it seems pretty sound, though.