Hi nancy, I don't know if you have seen my posts about papaya's. they have natural digestive enzymme in them. DE's never did me much good.I had japaneese lady gi at the time 2006. I told her of the job I had blackjack dealer, and the gas is a real problem, not so much noise, but smell. she said eat 3 wedges of fresh papaya every week. I started immediately. But I eat 1-2 slices every day, within 2 days my gas had no odor and neither did bm's. so it was like this huge cloud being lifted. but it took quite a while to get used to, because when for that last 35 of my 40 years with, cd my gas and bm's odor could kill. JMHO I can not go more than 1 day without papaya's I feel it in my gut, and they're cheap. I just bought 1 today, for 59 cents a pound. maradal papaya. the hawaiian papaya's are small and $$. I either fresh or fresh in oatmeal or fresh on pancakes, or fresh with sqeezed lime and a little salt.