Posted 5/30/2012 10:49 AM (GMT -5)
Hey girl yes, I've got crohns. was hospitalized when i was 18, was on 8 prednisone pills a day & was advised to continue meds for rest of life. I quite the drugs about 3 months later & have been on a journey towards full health since then... 16 yrs ago - wow i'm getting old! there is SOOOO much to cover on what has helped & what wasted my time. 1st: toss out the food pyramid, even if you're all organic (which I've been for about a decade)... grains suck the health out of you, even if they're organic! Quit sugar. I don't do cow milk, but am fine with goat milk (cow protein molecule is 30x larger than human milk, so WAY harder for digestives system to cope with, but goat is same size... fermented cow milk is fine, though, since the lacto bacteria pre-digests the protein & sugars... like kefir, yogurt, etc. I also eat/drink LOTS of ferments (lemonade, kombucha, saurkraut, ketchup, ginger brew, etc) to maintain a strong colony of good bacteria (better & cheaper than buying probiotic pills... though Garden of Life's HSO Primal Defense is probably a good investment for you right now to supplement with). has free shipping. I'm fine with coffee. Wine is good because its fermented, I'm also fine with hard liquor or hard cider, but no beer- its grain based. I eat lots of grass fed meat & try to eat liver weekly. I basically eat Primally. The Primal Blueprint is a great book for info on that & I highly recommend reading it. "Patient Heal Thyself" is a great book by Jordan Rubin about his near death experience with Crohns & how he found full health through fermented foods, etc. Also "Restoring your Digestive Health" by same author is useful. Sally Fallon's "Nourishing Traditions" is my FAVORITE cookbook/info book & has TONS of great fermented recipes- though the whole sprouted grain thing didn't help me, I just had to cut them out entirely. I make bone stock every week & drink it like tea, rotating between chicken stock & beef stock... super good stuff & full of bone minerals. The trouble with Crohns is that our intestines are jacked & it makes it harder to absorb minerals/vitamins, so simply taking whole vitamins didn't do the trick with me... i need to get mine from bones & foods. however, I do supplement with magnesium oil from Eidon or transdermally from Ancient Minerals... poor digestion can lead to deficiency & magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions... but skip the pills since their absorption rate is about 4%. Magnesium is the only supplement that I can literally feel a physical difference from when I take it. This style of eating can seem costly,,, BUT I haven't had to go to the docs for crohns in 16 yrs. Also, once you cut out all processed foods & snacks, you save lots of $ there. Our family eats this way & we are on 1 income. It certainly takes more time to make all your food from scratch & I don't exactly dig cooking, but I love to make ferments & stocks & so cooking a bit of meat & chopping a salad is a simple meal and all the lacto-fermented condiments & dressings make it taste super yummy also, cut out all fakes, like hydrogenated oils, preservatives, MSG, colorings, etc. "Natural flavorings", spices", basically anything vague is suspect & is probably MSG or her sister devilry- neurotoxins derived from aborted fetal tissue HEK 293 by senomyx & friends... chemicals that make influence your taste buds to think things are sweeter, sourer, saltier, etc (not to mention you're getting DNA from another human) & is found in A LOT of processed foods under "flavorings" & other labels. also, avoid carragean & guar gum- natural thickeners that act as irritants to the digestive tract & are used in ice creams, fake milks (almond, soy, hemp, etc)... we definitely don't need anything that irritates our sensitive systems. your best bet is to make everything yourself or find a few foods that have ingredients you know & trust. Eat organic if you can, genetically modified foods have been linked to all sorts of inflammatory issues, amongst other things. if $ is tight, go organic, grass-fed meat 1st, then veggies/fruits 2nd & just avoid the top pesticide foods & GM foods (corn, soy, wheat, etc). I don't touch soy, way too many probs with that legume- messes with your hormonal balance & i tend to favor natural balance. Try to get some kefir grains (not real grains, just called that) to make your own & kombucha scoby to make your own... premade stuff costs too much & store bought kefirs tend to have added sugar & carragean... no good. other ferments are made with salt &/or whey which you can get from separating curds & whey from yogurt easily... lots of instructions & recipes in Nourishing Traditions cookbook. Other things to consider: get good sleep, reduce stress, breathe deeply, think positively, pray or meditate... I know you're a physical trainer, but you might want to consider the stress that chronic cardio places on your homonal system... more depth in Primal Blueprint. when your body re-calibrates, consider seeing a rolfer to do some visceral work to make sure your intestines haven't created adhesions with anything else- mine were attached to my psoas muscle, which restricted proper intestinal movement. try to eliminate other toxins in your environment: get a water filter that removes flouride & chlorine.. I use reverse osmosis because its the only one that removes perchlorate which is a pretty nasty chemical that majorly disrupts your thyroid & other endocrine body functions. I never swim in a cholorinated pool- chlorine kills the good & bad intestinal bacterial & all that work of eating ferments gets washed away, but you've got all those beautiful rivers in Cali, so shouldn't suffere there use vinegar & tea tree & lavendar to clean your house- ditch those other nasty chemicals & it'll save lots of $ too. as things wear out, consider replacing them with healthier alternatives- wood floors instead of carpets (off-gassing), wool mattress instead of conventional (more off-gassing), etc. learn how to sew & you can make your own furniture. I've made all our furniture from wool, which is a lot cheaper than store bought synthetic/formadehyde/chemical mattresses, couches, etc.
I'm sure there's more to talk about, but my son is trying to get my attention, so I've gotta go! feel free to call & we can chat- [redacted] central time (2 hrs ahead of cali). I know this might sound exhausting, but baby steps makes it a lot easier... start with the diet & then pick something else every year to tackle. I made all these changes over the course of 16yrs, but the diet & water are probably the biggest factors, everything else is complementary... except the stress & prayer. anyways, I hope you feel better soon & know that there is life w/o meds & discomfort!