*googles Stoneyfield*. Nope, never seen that anywhere here. It looks like good yoghurt though - pure ingredients. For Greek yoghurt, I usually get Total, which is available in most supermarkets:
Total yoghurtI think the main reason SCD disallows shop-bought yoghurts is the lactose: the SCD folk maintain you need 24 hours of fermentation to get rid of all the lactose. To which I can only go 'hmmm'. They may be right, but if you're not lactose-intolerance does a bit of lactose really make that much difference? I think the whole area of sugars is where the SCD - and other related diets - is the most contradictory. I can buy into low-carb in general, but I can't understand why the simple sugars are demonised so much, when they actually seem 'better' than complex sugars, in the sense of being digested more quickly.
Sure I'm missing at least a few things, but can't seem to find relevant info on the net. Anyhow, sorry. Got a tad diverted there... :p
EDIT: Oh okay, the bacterial cultures are relevant as well >_>. I dunno why, but for the first time, I'm actually slightly interested in making my own yoghurt. However, there's a million steps between having a mildly intrigued thought and the actual acting on it thereof, so I'm sure it will be a while before I stop buying the Total.
And dave, I'm gonna order the Life Without Bread book. Was gonna buy BTVC too (as much as for my mum who doesn't use the internet as for me), but after seeing it cost £25 I thought '**** that' >_>.
EDIT II: Exactly 2000 posts! Go me! :p
Post Edited (NiceCupOfTea) : 7/19/2012 9:43:14 AM (GMT-6)