I have had several situations where i need to use the restroom badly & the manager of the store wouldn't let me use it. I have crohns..So I had to go very bad...I defecated myself..That was the most embarrassing thing to happen to me..So I want to know what steps to take next...Please contact me asap so I know what to do about this situation. They claim its a safety issue or security issue....well when you have crohns or any digestive problem..to walk a block or so to go to a public restroom is horrible...I wear depends and try to make sure I am ok to go anywhere but with this disease it is hard to tell for sure...
I am in touch with local chapter which is 60 miles away and with CCFA...have heard back from Representative Randy Fisher..he had aides research the laws and they sent me a copy...to me it is a joke ..the businesses have to let you use their restrooms..if it isnt a millions different reasons why they dont have to..
So wrote back to Rep. Fischer to see about getting this changed,,
I am asking for anyones support or suggestions or if you know your laws in your State...lets fight this situation together...you can email me...at msmac11843@yahoo.com///put crohns in subject...