Posted 8/6/2013 9:37 PM (GMT -5)
That happened to me several years was like the barium turned into cement. I did eventually go...a day, maybe it was 2 days, later. I remember taking milk of magnesium, not mira-lax. Maybe they work differently? Because of it, I will not go through another barium anything!
Have you contacted your doctor? Mira-lax is not working! It would concern me that the barium itself would become a blockage, because I remember it turning really hard.
As for the mira-lax question: For my colonoscopy prep I drink 2-week's worth mixed in two big bottles of gatorade. (The gatorade is to help keep your potassium/electrolytes levels in balance, which is important when downing so much laxative--which might be helpful for you too) I am not suggesting to do THAT much mira-lax without your dr.'s permission, just comparing. The dosages that you took will not hurt you, because I have had doctors tell me to go ahead with two doses/day if needed.
I too deal with severe constipation, on a normal basis. What do you do? I live on mira-lax, senna, or amitiza, or a combination if it gets really bad. It gets to a point where my chest hurts, and I can't get a deep breath. I am told it is IBS, along with Crohns. I eat dairy -free and gluten-free, and sometimes wonder if it helps or not. Once your'e feeling better, maybe you can pass along a few suggestions.
Anyhow, call your doctor. You need to find a laxative that works --now! Feel better soon!