I just gave birth to twin boys 12 days ago. I was on remicade my entire pregnancy and had no complications. The only drug I know not to take during pregnancy is methotrexate. I also took apriso during the pregnancy. My boys are healthy. I was in remission during my pregnancy and felt great. Unfortunately I have gone into a bad flare and have to see my GI doc on Monday. He's probably going to put me on a steroid taper. Just speak about
your meds with your ob and GI before you get pregnant and everything should be fine. Also if you're in remission now the chances that you'll stay that way during your pregnancy are good. There's the 1/3 rule. 1/3 will get better, 1/3 will get worse, and 1/3 will stay the same. Thankfully I was the 1/3 that got better with this pregnancy and with my first pregnancy. Good luck