Hi Rose. Yup, yup, as Ides said, I have COPD and Crohn's and osteoporosis too so we share some common ailments. And some of the timing too. You can see a brief rundown of my Crohn's history in my sig below.
You sure are one tough cookie, Rose! My hat's off to you. Sincerely.
I'm a 50 plus years smoker so we know where my COPD originated. I've been fortunate to be able to avoid prednisone for my Crohn's and my COPD altho I strongly suspect that those 6 weeks I spent on IVs prior to my resection in 1978 were full of pred.
I was fortunate to go into remission after my resection and to thus be able to avoid doctors and the medical profession for 20 years, seeing our family doctor once a year - maybe - during that time.
A whiplash in early 1994 ended those years of good health and bliss. *sigh*
Actually, if it weren't for the COPD I would be the healthiest 71 year old I know. No aches, pains, etc. etc. Just crappy lungs. Really crappy lungs.
In one of my breaks in remission "we" were considering Remicade. I was even scheduled for the first infusion - w/great trepidation on my part, mostly 'cause of the prednisone pre-dosing. The day before my first scheduled Remicade infusion I read about the Remicade clinical trial for COPD - and saw that it had been terminated early. SAY WHAT? WHY?
I called the maker of Remicade and asked but they just referred me to my local gastro. I called the facility conducting the clinical trial and got the same song and dance. I called the facility where my infusion was scheduled and cancelled. I called my gastro but she didn't at that point in time have any idea why the clinical trial was cancelled.
I don't remember the exact wording or reason for the early termination of the Remicade for COPD clinical trial but the result was that Remicade was then contraindicated for those w/COPD.
I am on 4L 02 16 hrs a day, w/2L at night w/a bi-level PAP at IPAP 14 and EPAP OF 10. I am fortunate to have never needed to be hospitalized for pneumonia (knock, Knock, KNOCK), nor have I, to my knowledge, ever had pneumonia. I've had very few episodes of antibiotics for the COPD. My "get up and go" has been severely restricted since the first part of this year. I don't do well on pulse conservers at all, I need continuous flow. I have developed A fib and am on Toprol and Rythmol which are controlling it very well. Especially when you consider a walk from my car in the handicap zone to my doctor's waiting room on pulse will drop my Sp02 to 84% but keep my HR at 84 to 88.
I am taking nothing for my osteoporosis despite I am at high risk for fracture. I tend to constipation rather than diarrhea and I just can NOT "do" calcium, even low doses. I did do 2 years of Forteo w/dramatic improvement. I gained back to where I had been previously. I had some improvement again the 3rd year but not enough to warrant the expense of Forteo. I've had bisphosphonate infusions but still have bone loss again.
If I were in your position I would most likely refuse the biologics w/o researching them fully. I can't speak for the newer ones, just Remicade. But your biggest risk seems to be your lungs and pneumonia.
On the other hand, there is YOUR mindset on quality vs quantity of life and what you are and aren't willing to sacrifice and are willing to risk to make that final decision.
You might want to make a list of your ailments, put them in perspective, which are the most critical to you at the top of the list and then concentrate on just the top one of the list - or as may be the case for you - the top 2, Crohn's and COPD. Concentrate on getting them under control by whatever means you and your doctors are willing to try.
Personally, I favor quality and have made it abundantly clear to family and doctors, altho I am in no hurry to leave this life, when it isn't worth it any more "I" WILL find a way out. I just wish we lived in or closer to Orgeon, Washington or Vermont. Thanks to Dr Kvorkian Michigan will most likely be the absolutely last state in the union to approve Death with Dignity legislation.
MEANWHILE, I still have LOTS to live for. I have my genealogy to work on, my crewel embroidery, my petit point, my kindle, my grandkids and a great grandson as well as a wonderfully supportive husband and son and daughter.
Good luck and God bless. (((hugs)))