Posted 10/4/2013 8:01 PM (GMT -5)
Hi there
I have only just read into MAPS recently and how it is most likely the cause of Crohn's disease. Whether this is 100% accurate or not it is still interesting to know that the disease might be a bacterial infection hence why there has been successful remissions with antibiotics.
I don't personally like medication. If it helps me in one way it shouldn't harm me in another. I never took the medication the doctors prescribed me for long periods of times such as Cortisones etc. the moment I stopped trying to fix it with a pill or medicated formulae is the moment I started feeling better.
I also don't have symptoms like I used too and like most people. I think it's because I stopped drinking soda and stopped drinking dairy products ,that's when the diarrhoea wore off. But recent news from endoscopy and colonoscopy says I don't look that crash hot from the inside. So now I'm on the hunt for a cure.
I am going to try the following over the next six months to a year. Any tip or personal experiences will be appreciated. P.s I do not need to know the safety precautions of using DMSO or anything else listed below as I have done my research. Thanks
Morning: 1-2 teaspoons of Pharmaceutical grade DMSO 99% pure with one glass of colloidal silver on empty stomach
Reason - DMSO Is highly soluble and mixed with colloidal silver should reach the depths of any bad bacteria and kill it.
Night: rub a 50/50 solution of DMSO and colloidal silver to abdomen area
Reason - DMSO is transdermal so along with colloidal silver it should tackle any bacteria from a different angle
2 times a day- I am making my own fermented sauerkraut which will have trillions of probiotics (good bacteria). This will help fight any bad bacteria as well and restore the good gut flora.
Dr Schulze intestinal formulae 2. This is a great colon detox and will help draw fecal matter and toxins from the walls of the colon. My sister who also is a sufferer of Crohn's disease for more than 20 years had great relief from taking the pills.
I'll keep you all updated with my progress.
Crohn's disease for 15 years
No current medication or any medication for 10 years