Posted 1/21/2014 6:12 PM (GMT -5)
Wow! How interesting. What I would be extremely concerned about is the chemo or whatever they would use to wipe out your bone marrow. It sound so dangerous. What kind of toll does that take on your body and how long is the recovery process? Where do they get the healthy stem cells from? And is there a chance that the body can reject the new stem cells?
I mean, it would awesome to get rid of this illness, but at what cost? I also thought it was weird that her doctor has told her she could die from the Crohn's. don't get me wrong, I know some cases are SEVERE, but in the majority of us, Crohn's won't kill you. (Even though some days you might wish you were dead).
If the stem cell transplant reboots your system, does that mean those of us with other auto-immune issues would be cured of those too? (Arthritis, psoriasis, MS, etc)