Posted 2/10/2015 7:28 PM (GMT -5)
I was in the same situation as your friend, pregnant and on 6mp.
The studies your OB looked at are outdated. He/she needs to get educated. Those studies were based on patients who received a much higher dosage than the one given to people with Crohns.
6mp takes THREE months to kick in and THREE months to get out of your system.
My OB wanted me to stop taking it, but I wasn't going to, but my GI said it was ok for me to stop taking it and just be on remicade since 6mp was not my primary drug, just a booster to help the remicade.
I got off of 6mp in my first trimester, but since it takes THREE months to get out of your system, my son was exposed to 6mp for his entire first trimester.
I had a fairly routine pregnancy, as easy as can be csection, and am now the proud mother of a perfectly healthy and handsome 3 month old.
Tell your friend she should do her own research and find an OB more aware of Crohns disease and its medications, especially if she plans to have more children.
I would be very worried for your friend. Going off medication during pregnancy is so bad for a woman; pregancy is hard enough to deal with. I can't imagine having my symptoms resurge and suffer from all the usual pregnancy problems.
According to studies, 1/3 of pregnant CD women get sicker, 1/3 get better, and 1/3 stay the same. Only time will tell what your friend will be, but without meds, her chances for maintaining a remissive state just got all that harder.