Posted 2/17/2016 11:30 PM (GMT -5)
My GI will prescribe a conservative does of tramadol (50 mg/12 hr) for pain and ONCE gave me a prescription for percocet when I was really suffering, but other than that nothing. There were times when I was in agonizing pain and he could only offer to direct-admit me to the hospital for pain relief there (which is where I should have been anyway with that much pain). The problem with pain from CD is that if it is REALLY bad, there is probably something wrong (abscess, obstruction, etc.) and you should go to the ER. That's not to dismiss how debilitating less severe chronic pain can be, and if that's what you want pain relief for, I think you will have to find a competent Pain Doctor. GIs do not like prescribing pain meds because they slow the bowels down and really can cause more harm than good. You also have to be conscientious of the fact that narcotic pain medications cause physical dependence (and are habit-forming/psychologically addicting if you are one who has precursors for addiction) if you if take consistently. Some people decide that their pain is bad enough to outweigh that side effect and others don't. For me, knowing that CD is chronic, I have chosen to only take narcotic pain medications when things become unbearable and we have a clear plan about how we are going to treat the underlying cause of the pain (therefore knowing that I will wean off the meds as soon as the pain decreases).
You could always ask you primary about possible medications or ask for a referral to a pain management doctor if your GI continues to ignore you pain needs. Also, make sure your CD is being appropriately treated, if you are suddenly having pain you need a plan to address this. If the pain is from strictures, try a liquid diet, heating pad, hot baths (all things that work for me). You could also look into herbal/natural pain relief remedies, just make sure you check with your DR first to make sure nothing interacts with your current medications.
And we can't ignore the fact that it is getting harder and harder for legitimate patients to get pain management in general due to the "heroine/opiate epidemic". The FDA has cracked down on doctors and pharmacies and they are therefore nervous to prescribe these types of medications. It is an unfortunate side effect of the War on Drugs . . . . .But don't get me started on that :)
I hope you find relief soon!