Posted 7/6/2016 7:36 AM (GMT -5)
hi, i dont know how to reply individually, so will make the most of replying to everyone at same time. scifigal2k,labradorite and duffle. thanks for replying so feels good talking to people in same boat..but scifigal, you had several strictures? mine is simply a one "hour glass shaped" esophgueal stricture. it has not moved and an xray of it pretty horrifying as it appears it could snap in two. had it since 2002. a few dialations but hasn't cause much trouble untill i need a endoscopy.
dang, have to go back to thread. crs alert here (cant remember crap).. oh i just had to scroll down. ok so back to scifigal, asacol 6 grams everyday was just unbearable. i wasnt aware studies indicated a fail rate, but b/c of stricture i had to take the lower sized tablet and then it became dielotz?? the funny thing is that was a horse pill so i open the capsul up, and it looked like asecol sized tablet. this i had to do four tablets everyday. disect the big capsule to swallow the little one.. re: blood thinners? you were on them several times?? good grief. whatever for?? if for clot, why just have an ivf filter placed? thats the only thing saving my life right now. no more pill no more thinners. warfarin nearly killed me.
lets see,labradore: i have a severe massive blood clot in right leg. dunno how it got there or why, but it ibd patients are more likely to get them which puzzles me. thus the posting for information.. it seem the doctors scratch their heads, throw drug at you when p.e could common place.. i think they over medicate and sometimes u just have to do research and maybe just say no.. the prednisone is what has ruined me. i know it works great to solve immediate issues.. but long term, it does its worst... Re: glucoma, i had surgery on both eye in 2009.. i cant put a time on it since i was on it for the longest time. there came a time when i was off it for a few years but had to back on. just keep getting checked. thats yur best defense.. and you are very lucky indeed to be in doctors care when the p.e. event took place. i was home, difficulty breathing, and if my blood clotted leg hadnt hurt so much, i probably would of died at home.that kind of luck u had, someone been watching you. how awful what they did to yur mom. did have any legal right to her health? like power of attorney?
Duffle, your story seem so similar to mine. but having just one p.e. in feb of this year and a total bleed out inmay, convinced me no more thinners. with the filter installed they think i am safe. but im mr. pesstimistic. waiting for other shoe to drop it's nerve racking. one transfusion, 12 units and 6 plasma. they threw everything at me to keep me alive. they could not find the bleed.. had to suspect colon.. and warfrin as prime suspects. and oh they were quick to bring in surgeons to remove the colon w/o a confirmation it was the source of the sure they threw vitamin k at me, but nothing to take while home. besides, dont you think the filter is beneficial?..its one less pill to take...sorry about yur car accident. pretty lucky to escape any accident these days getting some bruises only. drs offer me same reason to use warfrin then the more agressive thinners. so it was a trial/error thing.. could of lost my life in that experiment.
so in summary so far, we are prone to clots and strictures,likely to placed on thinners which can positive/negative effect, and glucome from prednisone long term use, should be monitored as part of your routine check up. has anyone ever put a listing or post about specific
or rare issues such as i have in subject header above? i have learned alot fro you three. thank you!
i am glad i am here. happy to hear from all of you.