Posted 7/15/2016 11:35 AM (GMT -5)
I was very sick prior to my resection - like too sick to actually get the surgery at first. So I was given a picc line and TPN for 6 weeks in order to get my weight and nutrition levels up and given pain meds to hold me over. I think I was taking up to 120mg oxycodone (percocet and oxycontin) for about 6 weeks prior to my surgery, so I was given a higher amount of pain meds following my surgery while I was in the hospital. They weaned me down to the normal dosage I was taking before leaving the hospital (back to 120mg). I immediately went off the oxycontin once I returned home and then just took percocet as needed until I was down to about 20mg. At that point I just jumped off. I felt know of crappy for about a week, but nothing compared to how awful I felt before the surgery. I think it took me about 6 weeks to get completely off following the surgery.
My surgery was open and I lost close to 3 feet of small intestine and needed a blood transfusion, so I was in the hospital for about 2 weeks. I went back on Humira about a month after the surgery because we really didn't want the Crohn's to come back so soon. At that point I had been off of it for almost 2 years (and on Remicade) and did not have any problems going back on. My surgery was in September and I went back to work in November and felt like 65% better (mostly just soooo tired). Luckily I make my own schedule for work so I couls schedule in nap time before picking my son up from daycare, otherwise I would have no energy to make dinner, get him ready for bed, etc. I also had a ton of family support from my parents, in-laws, and husband. My surgeon told me it would take about 1 year to feel back to myself, and she was right. Now I just deal with the side effects of such a drastic surgery (fatigue, trouble gaining weight, frequent BMs).
My situation is not as typical and I think you can probably expect a quicker recovery. But you are not far out and need to rest. I get that your pain meds probably aren't effective because you have a tolerance, so if pain is a major issue you may want to discuss this with your surgeon, although the goal is to have less pain and not need those medications in the long run (unless you're taking them for something else). Blood work should show an infection and if you are really struggling just go to the ER. Hope this helps!