NiceCupOfTea said...
I was a bit like that in the past - I craved cold stuff and not much else. For me that correlated with having fevers; the higher the fevers the more I seemed to crave cold drinks. Not water either; it had to be watered-down juice, milkshakes, or something, but not plain water. I've occasionally gone through phases of craving salty foods as well; after my last operation, I craved ice-cold north atlantic prawns for a while. Thank god I got over that one quite quickly, as it would be bankruptingly expensive living off M&S prawns every day.
When not acutely flaring, i.e. just chronically flaring, I just eat anything really. I do better if I keep it bland/low residue, but that gets mind-numbingly boring, so I eat stuff like bacon and granola (not together, obvz).
Noted thanks