Posted 1/26/2017 11:54 AM (GMT -5)
Mine was actually a pretty big nightmare/comedy of errors. I was hospitalized 10 times in 5 months. I was fine until my daughter was 3 months old, then I came down with influenza. That made me start to flare a bit, so I was put on prednisone. But it turns out I had thrush (I had no idea what to look for), so the prednisone made the thrush go systemic and I went septic. Then I got mastitis like a week later, so I got put on antibiotics, which made c. diff. come back. I started really flaring then and had the c. diff., so I was put on even more antibiotics, but then an abscess formed and burst on the inside, and I went septic from that. So even more antibiotics, which kept bringing the c. diff. back. I actually ended up becoming resistant to all abx used for c. diff. and had to have a fecal matter transplant about 6 months later. But then a few weeks after sepsis, my pancreatitis flared up (I got it from taking Imuran and had had no problems in a year and a half) and I was admitted for that. Then I got a really, really bad UTI that went into my kidneys, so more abx.
It was just a domino effect. But I got REALLY sick REALLY fast, so I got treated pretty quickly. I moved states after the UTI because half of the problems that occurred were doctor error (they insisted it wasn't really an abscess, just a swollen gland, and it burst inside because we waited too long to operate on it), and it was my new GI who immediately moved my Remi from 5mg to 10mg and from 8 weeks to 6 weeks. He also did the FMT that same month.