Posted 8/26/2017 4:56 PM (GMT -5)
I can understand your view on the antibiotics, but the Doctors, (GP), thinking was to err on the side of caution, considering that she's immune compromised. Even though it ended up being the wrong diagnosis, I really don't blame her for taking that route.
The only confirmation of hand, foot and mouth that we have are, the sores in her mouth match the typical description, and in her blood work, her lymphocytes are down, which indicate something viral. Crohn's wise, she's feeling fine, no issues right now. I certainly hope it's not Crohn's, but our Doctor has conferred with our GI over the phone, and she does have an appointment with her GI next week.
There has been sort of a turn for the worse though. The Doctor called today, concerned that her bone marrow isn't producing antibodies to the virus. I'm a bit fuzzy on this. Our GI told our Doctor to stop taking Imuran for a week. She was emphatic, that if she gets worse or she has any fevers, to get to emergency, and they will likely give her IV antibiotics. Not sure what that does though?
As of right now, she's had no fever, and the general malaise isn't that bad, but the mouth sores are unbelievable. They're giving her so much pain. If it wasn't for that, she'd be able to tough it out.
Just sitting by now, hoping that tomorrow is the day that she makes the turn. Going back to the doctor for more bloodwork, and another check of her status.
Hope i didn't get too long, and thanks for your input.