Hey Susie. The "new" patient was more a way to say how they would have to bill based on requirements for procedure codes,,,it really was just saying we can bill a smaller $ code.
Yeah 3 years has been a while, but I really haven't needed anything other than what I have been doing since 1990. That is as long as I stick to the diet that works for me!
I know that SIBO is a reality, but I don't test positive for it---I don't test positive for a lot of things even fevers! OK yeah...3 years is still a long time...if I had a GI I liked, I would have gone sooner...tried to go back to an old GI, but he has become too important...would have to get multiple doctors to show why I should rejoin their practice.
I'm in a very live and let live attitude toward life, humans and my disease....I think that is keeping me on a stable ground. Hate to change anything right now.