Posted 2/21/2022 1:32 PM (GMT -5)
I was in a similar position with Remicade, which caused me to have dyshidrotic psoriasis (blisters that turn into psoriasis) on my hands and feet. 73monte is right, it's a hard decision. Ultimately, I ended up stopping Remi because in my mind, if I'm trading one condition for I really helping heal my body?? True, the psoriasis wasn't as debilitating as Crohn's, but it made using my hands and feet hellish, which isn't something I could ignore.
I bounced around to 2 more medications before finding Stelara. I'm doing well on it, except for the cost.
If your daughter's psoriasis is somewhat manageable, you may be able to hang with Humira for a bit longer. How does she feel about it? One thing to consider: if Humira is causing this reaction, Remicade may do the same, since their formulation is so similar (my GI skipped putting me on Humira for this reason). Wishing your daughter happier health ahead!