I have always had bloating and a bit of wind, but never smelly wind. But over the past month I have had the most awful loud and stinky wind. As I say it is enough to knock out a rhino. My trumps are explosive like a burst on the trumpet and the smell, well, I soon wont have any friends left.
If I had always been like this then I wouldnt think anything of it. Im on Infliximab and Ranitidine. The only change Ive made lately is that Im coming down off my anti depressants.
Ive had a bit of bleeding (bright red) which the doc thinks is hemmies. Ive also had a fair bit of discomfort, mild bowel pain. And my poop is rather sticky and sloppy, but Ive had this before, I just wasnt expecting it on Infliximab. I havent changed my diet, eat a pretty normal diet at the moment, except when I have a bad day, when I have to restrict it.
Anyone have any thoughts before I gas all my friends